Law Enforcement
Individual, Group and Train the Trainer classes offered
From uniformed presence to soft methods of empty hand control tactics. Our methods are street proven and very successful. We have found that communication is key and most potentially violent situations can be de-escalated.
When it comes to empty hand control methods, we fully exhaust the use of force continuum, up to and including soft techniques. Although the National Institute of Justice allows for the use of punches and kicks to restrain an individual, our experience proves those are only abusive and primitive methods when other, more reliable and professional methods are available. (1)
We will share non-violent skills and tactics for capturing, restraining, handcuffing and escorting suspects. Multiple other courses are available to include conducting safe motor vehicle stops and searches, defending against edged weapons, weapon retention, weapon disarms, vehicle extractions, small joint manipulation, and pressure point control tactics (PPCT’s). Upon request, a very thorough course in our use of kubotans will be made available.
Of course, body cameras have proven to be a superb method in capturing acts of excessive force, but how about taking a proactive step in preventing it before it occurs?
“An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure”
-Benjamin Franklin
While there is not one specific method of self-defense used across our nation, or around the world, we would like to set the example for others to follow.
Our training is tax deductible, it will reduce your liabilities, and it will save lives.
Please view our testimonials.